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Consultation on the future of the Edited Register - 09/02/10
The Ministry of Justice is seeking views on proposals to abolish or change access to the edited version of the electoral register, which is at present is available for sale to anyone for any purpose, and is a valuable tool in adoption search and reunion work, and for family history research.

The recent Data Sharing Review recommended the removal of the provision allowing the sale of the edited register, which would result in the abolition of the edited register, but continue to allow the full register to be sold to political parties and credit reference agencies. The Government is therefore gathering evidence on the potential impact of a number of options including abolition of the edited register, changing the process by which individuals are included on it, or improving public awareness of it.

There is no recognition in the consultation on the impact this would have on adoption search and reunion work so we would encourage individuals and organisations that might be affected by the abolition of the edited version of the electoral register to respond to the consultation and highlight the importance of continued access to their work and the effective provision of services to adopted people and birth relatives. Please note that there is now a short timescale for response.

The closing date for submissions is 23rd February 2010 and the detailed proposals and questions for response can be found on the Ministry of Justice website.

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