On 7th October BAAF issued a press release about an amendment to the Children and Families Bill that was tabled by Baroness Sally Hamwee with the intention of revising the Adoption and Children Act 2002 and extending the rights of the direct descendants of deceased adopted persons. You can read the full press release on the BAAF website.
The amendment was then debated in Committee Stage in the House of Lords on 9th October, but was withdrawn to allow further discussion before the Report Stage. You can read the full debate on the UK Parliament website (see Amendment 25).
Please visit the DAP campaign page for further information about the campaign, which is supported by the following organisations:
Action for Children
Adoption Matters
Ariel Bruce
British Association of Social Workers (BASW)
Catholic Children’s Society
Family Rights Group
Father Hudson’s
Grandparents Plus
Post Adoption Centre
Salvation Army
The Adolescent and Children’s Trust (TACT)