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Abbreviations used in the databases

Here is an explanation of the abbreviations you might find in either the Finding an Agency to Help or the Locating Adoption Records databases:

Admin Administration
Assocn Association
BWT This abbreviation has not yet been traced. It is likely that it stands for British Women’s Temperance
CAFCASS Children and Families Court Advisory Support Service
C ad L Curator ad Litem
CB County Borough
CC County Council
C of E Church of England
CSR Council for Social Responsibility
DSW Department for Social Responsibility
FW Family Welfare
FWA Family Welfare Association
G ad L Guardian ad Litem
GALRO Guardian ad Litem Record Office
GLC Greater London Council
HQ Headquarters
Inc Incorporated
LB London Borough
LCC London County Council
LDBSR London Diocesan Board for Social Responsibility
LMA London Metropolitan Archives
M&B Mother and Baby
MBC Metropolitan Borough Council
MD Metropolitan District
MH Maternity Home
Misc Miscellaneous
MW Moral Welfare
MX Middlesex
NAS National Adoption Society
NCAA National Children Adoption Association
NCH National Children’s Home
NH Nursing Home
NI Northern Ireland
ONS Office of National Statistics
RC Roman Catholic
RO Record Office
RSSPC Royal Scottish Society for the Protection of Children
SR Social Responsibility
SRN State Registered Nurse
SS Social Services
SSAFA Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Families Association
SSD Social Services Department
SW Social Work
SWD Social Work Department
WRVS Women’s Royal Voluntary Service
WS Women’s Suffrage
YLU Young Leaguers’ Union
YWCA Young Women’s Christian Association

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