The Locating Adoption Records Database
Over a number of years we have developed and maintained a unique database that can be used to find out where adoption records might be held. The database can be searched using information about a home (maternity, mother & baby, shelter etc), organisation or local authority involved in the birth or adoption, or a staff member who worked in one of these homes or organisations. The results show the most likely current holder of the adoption records, and include full contact details so that further enquiries can be made.
Access to the database Database searches can be conducted by individuals searching for information for their own use or by agencies who are working with individuals.
Click here to search the Locating Adoption Records database.
Further information If you have questions about using the database please read the guide to using the Locating Adoption Records database.
If you require information about searching for information, accessing records and tracing family members please consult our free Tracing Guide and the information pages in the Locating Records section.
If you have any other questions, or want to get in touch about a search that was previously conducted on your behalf, please email us at